RESEARCH 2 / 期刊文章二
‘We are All Interdependent’. A Study of Relationships Between Migrant Live-In Carers and Employers in Taiwan
「我們都彼此扶持」: 台灣之外籍看護工與雇主關係研究
KEY WORDS / 關鍵字:
Taiwan, elderly care, migrant care workers, live-in carers, quality of care, relations between care workers and employers
RESEARCH 3 / 期刊文章三
Being connected to nature, reindeer, and family: findings from a photovoice study on well-being among older South Sámi people
與自然、馴鹿與家庭緊緊相連 : 影像發聲法應用於南薩米族老年群體的研究
KEY WORDS / 關鍵字:
Older indigenous people, South Sámi people, well-being, being connected, nature, reindeer, family
RESEARCH 4 / 期刊文章四
“All I expect is that they accept that I am a Sami” an analysis of experiences of healthcare encounters and expectations for future care services among older South Sami in Norway
「我只盼望他們接受我是薩米」: 挪威南薩米族老人與醫護人員接觸與期待之分析研究
KEY WORDS / 關鍵字:
Older indigenous people, South Sami people, healthcare encounters, experiences, future expectations
Here are a selected list of reference that touches upon Indigenous peoples and long-term care for the elderly. The shared focus of all these publication is the close relationship between culture and care.